Introduction In programmatic advertising, macros serve as placeholders or dynamic tokens that automatically insert specific pieces of information, such as user data or campaign details, into advertisements or URLs. These macros help streamline ad delivery, enhance targeting, and track performance in real-time. As a leader in media technology, Amagi is committed to ensuring effective monetization and seamless ad operations. This article provides an overview of the required macros and their significance in digital advertising.

What Are Macros? Macros are dynamic variables used in ad-serving and tracking systems to automatically integrate real-time data into ad requests. They play a crucial role in:

  1. Tracking performance metrics – Monitoring impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  2. Personalizing ad content – Dynamically inserting user or contextual information into creative assets.
  3. Enabling data exchange – Passing critical information between ad platforms for reporting and optimization.

Certain macros must be included in ad requests to ensure proper tracking, targeting, and validation of ad traffic. Below is a list of the required macros for monetization within Amagi’s AdsPlus system.

Required Macros for Monetization

MacroOwnerRequirementPurpose & ImpactExample Values
cbSSAIMandatoryPrevents caching by inserting a random number3708662946268
ipPlayerMandatoryIdentifies users, enables personalized ads, validates traffic49.37.249.254
uaPlayerMandatoryUser agent string used for device classification and targetingMozilla/5.0 (iPhone...)
dntPlayerMandatoryDo Not Track signal for US traffic0 or 1
us_privacyPlayerMandatory (US)Passes privacy consent string for California usersIAB documentation
pod_max_durSSAIMandatorySets maximum duration of an ad pod (seconds)120
app_bundlePlayerMandatoryIdentifies app, validates traffic, supports ads.txt authorizationB01IPC7MBE
app_namePlayerMandatoryApp name for verificationDAZN
app_store_urlPlayerMandatoryApp store link
didPlayerMandatoryUnique device ID for tracking437825ef-a4a6-4575-8b70-81630c6d76e5
ifa_typePlayerMandatoryIdentifier for CTV device type (e.g., rida for Roku, idfa for Apple)rida, idfa
lmtPlayerMandatoryLimits tracking in CTV by obfuscating IP addresses0 or 1
urlPlayerMandatory (Web)Page URL for contextual targeting
gdprPlayerMandatory (EU)Identifies if GDPR applies1 (true) or 0 (false)
gdpr_consentPlayerMandatory (EU)Consent string for GDPR complianceTCF2.0 consent string
content_idEPG/PlayerOptionalIdentifies content for OpenRTB bid requests24!vch192b7
genreEPG/PlayerMandatorySpecifies content genre for OpenRTB requestsComedy
ratingEPG/PlayerMandatoryContent rating for targetingPG-13, TV-G
coppaPlayerMandatoryIndicates if traffic is subject to COPPA1 (true) or 0 (false)
languageEPG/PlayerMandatoryLanguage of the contentEN
content_livestreamPlayerMandatorySpecifies if content is live or recorded0 = Not live, 1 = Live
channel_nameEPG/PlayerMandatoryName of the channel broadcasting contentBobross
network_nameEPG/PlayerMandatoryName of the network airing contentCinedigm
studio_nameEPG/PlayerOptionalStudio name for revenue calculationLionsgate
content_titleEPG/PlayerOptionalTitle of the content for OpenRTB requestsA%20New%20Hope
content_episodeEPG/PlayerOptionalEpisode number for bid requests11
content_seriesEPG/PlayerOptionalSeries name for OpenRTB requestsThe%20Office
durEPG/PlayerOptionalContent duration (seconds)2500
gppPlayerOptional (Mandatory if supported)Global Privacy Policy stringDBABMA~CPXxRfAPXxRfAAfKABENB-CgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA
gpp_sidPlayerOptional (Mandatory if supported)Global Privacy Policy Section ID8 (US - California section)

Conclusion For effective monetization and seamless ad delivery, macro implementation is critical in programmatic advertising. By ensuring compliance with required macros, advertisers and publishers can optimize ad targeting, improve tracking, and enhance transparency across the supply chain.